I AM Powerful In All Ways
"Awakening Consciousness is the understanding that we are each responsible for our own energy, in every situation, all of the time.
As a powerful creator of your life, you are the master of your energy, and everything (yep, everything) supports your learning and understanding of your energy. Awakening Consciousness is about actively claiming full power over all aspects of your life, from financial and professional experiences, to the karmic lessons, soul work, and belief systems you as a Soul chose to experience in this lifetime.
Awakening Consciousness is understanding the vastness of yourself as a Soul, beyond the restrictions of physical, Ego-Mind, or third dimensional life. You are an eternal being having a temporary experience.
As you connect to Awakening Consciousness, the Bigger Picture becomes evident and you open up to more of your innate Soul gifts, talents, and skills, including potential intuition development, psychic abilities, telepathy, channeling, energy work, healing, and other esoteric interests that support you as a Soul."
Excerpt from The Modern Heroine’s Journey of Consciousness by Molly McCord.
Copyright ©2013 by Molly McCord. This material is protected by US and international copyright and may be not distributed freely unless written permission has been received from the author.
The second book in The Awakening Consciousness Series is a must-have guide for any artist, entrepreneur, writer, teacher, or contemporary seeker who is curious about their spiritual journey.
Referencing Joseph Campbell’s highly influential the hero’s journey alongside her bestselling memoir, The Art of Trapeze: One Woman’s Journey of Soaring, Surrendering and Awakening, Molly McCord, M.A., brings groundbreaking wisdom to a modern woman’s experience of spiritual growth.
The Modern Heroine’s Journey of Consciousness offers an original exploration through 11 phases of spiritual growth, from answering the Call of her Soul and Opening Up To A Greater Power, to Surrender, Awakening to Deeper Soul Power, and Mastery of Her Consciousness.
Inspiring, original spiritual concepts include:
- Differences between spirituality and religion
- The five types of consciousness on the planet now
- The Elevator and the Spiral
- Soul Mates, Soul Contracts, Soul Agreements, Soul Groups, Karmic Relationships
- Past life connections to geographic locations
- Surrender and supreme separation from God
- Being conscious in an Unconscious World
- And more “a-ha” connections and breakthroughs for conscious living
The Modern Heroine’s Journey of Consciousness brilliantly explains the gifts at every phase of spiritual growth and reveals how the inner journey is an awakening to more of herself.