Consciousness Awesomeness

for your soul's growth

Be The Peace You Carry In Your Soul

Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman


Peace is your natural rhythm and existence. It is the place you know as Home and the way you are accustomed to moving. Peace is the existence you are here to create because it is what you carry inside of you effortlessly. Peace is your birthright and it is your place of ultimate destiny, but only if you choose to be this energy intentionally. Often it is against human nature to respond with peace when one is attacked, embarrassed, upset, and moving through periods of darkness. But peace is always waiting for you when you are ready to detach, surrender, let go and come back to its eternal embrace.

Peace is an energy that must be created on Earth. This is an assignment you willingly chose to contribute your energy towards as peace only exists and thrives with conscious intention. To experience peace is to connect to the parts of your soul that know it regularly. You must develop it within your mind first, then call on it with intention to bring it out into the world through Divine actions.

To create peace means to have loving thoughts where none currently exist. To shine light on all places, internal and external, that are experiencing darkness. To raise the energy to a higher form of itself, a form of transmutation that can happen instantly when it is given intention. To create peace means to be the one who declares all is well when that is not what the human senses are experiencing. Affirm that everything is in Divine order and perfect. Affirm that everything around you and inside of you has a natural state of peace that it willingly opens up to now.

You can transform your body into a higher vessel for peace by cleaning your energy regularly. Imagine the highest possible white light showering down on you, running through your head, neck, shoulders and back. See it opening up all of your cells and infusing your DNA with a higher vibrating light. Follow the energy down through your heart, stomach, solar plexus and hips as the light infuses every organ and bone. Then watch it continue into your lower body as it glides down your thigh, knees, calves and feet, grounding the light into your body and the earth at the same time. Inhale and exhale as this light pulses through your full body and into every part of energetic aura. This is your body at peace, in peace and living peace.

Be the peace you carry in your soul. Be the peace that lights the way for others. Be the peace that allows your true essence to light the way. Connect to the peace in another above all other energies. Connect to the peace that is your natural home and invite others to share that space with you on a Soul level.

Copyright ©2013 by Molly McCord. This material is protected by US and international copyright and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, are included.


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